First cast of the trip and I was rewarded with this 34 inch specimen! What a start ...
The most difficult part of this post will be adding all the pictures from the trip. We easily landed approximately 400 fish in (4) days. If a smile is worth a 1000 words, then I could share about 4,000,000 worth of words before this post is over. "Lipless" crankbaits are outstanding ....
Until this happens! Coach Mo hooked the BIGGEST fish of the trip - himself! Took a pair of pliers, the cutting of a few barbs, a towel to bite on and the trust of a fellow fishing comrade to remove.
The "annual" Moooooo picture! This never gets old. Nothing like catching fish and wishing you had some milk to go with it.

Some CHUNKY small jaws and large jaws in this water system! These guys were "average."

I'm NOT sure if that picture on the right is accurate? I think the rock bass was attempting to devour the smallmouth. Where are the pike you ask? It's late June and they are hiding in the choked weeds.
How about the LONE perch of the trip! Looks like some good bait, right?
Nothing like catching a nice slab right in front of our cabin (red one on left).
We have a PIKE sighting!
And sometimes the "photo bomb" is actually better than the smallmouth just caught on topwater!
Is that "Chunk" from the Goonies?
Wish we hit MORE of these toothy critters! However, we will take em' as they come. Just fun!
This 19' decided to show his face in 40 feet of water. (1) cast later .... BOOM! Fish on
A little blurry because of the sun but you get the idea!

This was the day Wayne had too much to drink and someone was forced to fish "solo." More later

That's a nice "pike-bass" crossbreed!
Another chunk "bass-pike" cross-breed
Where are the pike?
Here is the "rare" pike picture we've been looking for.
Altogether, the trip was a complete success! We easily boated over 400 fish total. The pike were few and far between. The bass were there to make us forget about this. Wish we could have stayed a bit longer but work takes precedence. The weather was cooperative and so were the fish! Until 2017 ....